Address of the Tomsk Chapter and Student Branch is:
Dr. Oleg Stukach
30 Lenin Avenue
Tomsk, 634050
e-mail: tomsk@ieee.org
If you have any general questions or comments regarding the IEEE in Tomsk, send an email to ieee@main.tusur.ru. Our officers will try to answer your message as soon as possible.
Please feel free to drop us any comment, complain or suggestion. We are always looking for ways to improve our Chapter and Student Branch and serve our members better. The committee meets regularly to organise events throughout the year and is more than happy to receive your suggestions and feedback. Your feedback is very important to us!
If you have any complaints regarding your membership, please do not hesitate to inform us. We encourage our members to tell us the problems they faced such as; did not receive their monthly spectrum, no membership card, face difficulty in accessing services provided by IEEE and et cetera through this complain form. We will try our best to answer all complaints received as soon as possible.
Here is personal pages some of our members. If you want to see your page here please contact Webmaster.
Oleg Stukach – Founder of all IEEE units in Tomsk, YP Chair
Dmitry Zykov – Chair of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter
Roman Mescheriakov – Chair of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter (2009-2011)
Evgeniy Golovin – Past Chair of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter
Olesya Kozhemyak – Chair of the Tomsk IEEE Student Branch
Dmitry Glukhov – Past Chair of the Tomsk IEEE Student Branch